Friday, April 30, 2010

Anecdote 1: Aéroport de Dallas, Fort Worth Texas.

L’accent, ca va. C’est une chose. On peut même s’y habituer parce que les gens sont tellement sympathiques. Mais j’ai une toute première anecdote. J’atterris, le temps qu’il est recule d’une heure : une heure de plus d’attente. Après avoir sati le besoin primaire de me remplir le ventre, je cherche quoi faire. Certainement pas m’asseoir d’avantage et continuer à lire... À l’entrée, je vois un pamphlet. Terminal D : Art Guide. Hé bien. Faut atterrir dans un aéroport du Texas pour qu’il y ait de l’art contemporain… Alors je fais le tour du terminal D qui est vraiment cool pour un aéroport! Dommage, je n’avais pas ma camera. Dans le pamphlet, une douzaine d’œuvres circulaires en roche ou en céramique à terre. Je fais le tour, mais surtout, il y a un jardin dans le pamphlet! Avec des sculptures dedans. Je demande où c’est à un sieur d’âge et de bédaine respectable, moustache incluse. Il me dit que c’est dehors de la sécurité, pas trop loin. Il me reste plus que 1h30 avant le décolle : il me dit que c’est faisable. J’ai été tellement contente d’avoir découvert cette place. C’était vraiment joli pour un parking d’aéroport! Un spot tranquille, dans le soleil, de l’art. Yes. Je commence à lire. Mais le monsieur me rejoints : il m’a suivi? Oui, mais pour me dire de ne pas oublier d’aller voir d’autres œuvres de l’aéroport, qui sont aussi hors de la sécurité, juste à l’entrée. Il me les décrit avec la passion d’un homme qui aime son travail, qui aime faire apprécier son coin de l’aéroport à autrui. Bien apprécié.

Timing parfait, je dois me pointer à la porte. Plus de hispanophones que jamais. J’aperçois deux jeunes américains. Je ne savais pas encore qu’ils allaient avoir les 2 places à coté de moi dans l’avion. Au début, je croyais qu’ils étaient un peu snob, mais éventuellement, nous nous parlions et nous contons notre histoire. Tout le vol. Ils viennent de Salt Lake, ce sont des freshmen. L’un a de la famille à Mexico ciudad, dans la partie riche de Santa Fe, et a vécu là 8ans. L’autre son compagnon le suivait, il est un Mormon qui a délaissé sa religion qui veut devenir dentiste, il apprend un peu d’espagnol en chemin. À 20ans, il n’y a qu’une raison pour que deux jeunes américains viennent à Mexico : boire. Parce que l’âge aux États-Unis est toujours 21. Ils m’ont invité de les contacter si jamais je voulais faire de quoi, mais je crois que non : juste dans un vol de 2 heures ils ont pris 2 Tequila Sunrise chaque. Vive la jeunesse!


Thursday, April 29, 2010

First evening in Mexico City with tour guide Luis!

Airport de la Ciudad de Mexico. It's always great that someone can come get you. In this case, it's my friend's little brother: Jorge. L'artista ;) So already we are speaking only in Spanish and we go into what I figure will be rush-hour traffic, because its 5pm. But no, rush hour, Luis explains later, is heavier around 7pm when ppl finish working. More about that later...

This is near Luis' place

So after I get settled into Luis's place (I have his sister's bedroom), log onto the internet for a bit and then Luis calls. We have a meeting spot. I am to go into the metro and wait for him 3 stations further, under the clock. This I do. And this is my first real taste of urban, working class Mexico. This is the rush hour. This is the tiempo when people push and shove and step on each other's feet. Waiting under a clock for 30mins, I get to do some people watching. Not only that, I get watched. There is this unexplainable attraction of the eyes to that which stands out: me. I wonder what is on their minds. It's not like I didn't expect the stares. I knew it would be thus. People in Montreal who I said I might dye my hair black looked at me as if that was a dumb idea. But they've no idea. I'm sorry for the guys who'll always nay-say this type of thing, but it's really something different to be looked at like a piece of meat. From everyone. The 12-yr old son, his father with his wife and even the grandfather. They say "I love you", and one guy came was walking in my direction with his friend and he said to me Vente en mis brazos! (Come into my arms)... They don't really expect me to hear, notice or understand, I imagine. But that is the nature, and Im not going to be angry about it, it's the way it is. They will stare me up and down. I feel bad for their women who are also beautiful, they look at me like I was more worthy than them, some. I dislike that.

So 30 minutes later, Luis shows up! Yay! Luis works at the World Bank, so he is wearing a suit. He is very distinguished compared to most Mexicans in the Metro. He did not take the metro, he took the metrobus which is a little bit more expensive and efficient. So here we are. Back in the metro push push! shove shove!

Then outside. But it is different from the outside at Luis' palce, it is architecture and grandeur and a big city street. It's nice. Luis takes me to the beautiful parts of Mexico. Bellas Artes and the Zocalo (centre of a city). Buildings of centuries past, the glory of ancient aristocracy. Beautiful, dense, detailed. An aboriginal dance danced by any mexican. There are people EVERYWHERE.

We go to have supper and split 2 platos tipicos, it is around 10pm. By the time we get home, it is 12:30....

Buenas noches!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

“Haven’t the foggiest!”

So Mexico, eh? Here comes that Canadian chick to kick up some dust and see what there is to see. And take in some SUN. I must say, I hope it gets as hot as summers in Venice – ah! bike riding at 11pm when it’s 32⁰C outside.

ah Beetle-bus taxis! I look forward to...

People have been asking me: Mexico, hmmm? So what are you going to do there? Well, that’s where this answer comes in handy: Haven’t the foggiest. I am lucky enough to have a great friend in Mexico City and I will get to stay at his place the first few days, to be able to get my bearings and figure out what I want to do next. That being said, I DO have a general idea of where I want to go and the type of things I want to see. My main objectives are this: figure out life, get some sun, speak Spanish, meet people, see things I cannot see elsewhere and disfruta – which is a word I’ve described in a previous blog. It’s a Spanish word meaning something like “enjoy” but also “appreciate” and just with a bit of a laidback “take it all in” feeling too. Oh – and take pictures :)

When next I can write, I’ll be in Mexico City and I will try to start writing about my itinerary.

I love you all those of you who are reading this :)


Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has removed the “Fasten Seatbelt Sign”

8:25 am on a Wednesday morning: 38 000 ft in the air is about the last place you’d think to find a meandering student – alone amongst the businessmen and women getting to Dallas, Texas for their next business meeting.

The lady next to me is of Asian origin, I couldn’t say from where. She has two beautiful children she addresses in a slightly accented English – not like an Asian-English accent, an American English accent. They beg for crackers and sip their Starbucks while the plane takes off, hardly noticing the plane taking off. 2 and 4 years I’d say.

Makes me think of the generation we live in, the extent to which life has changed.
My parents went to Vancouver last year with my father’s cousin and it was his first flight. How different a life those two children will live than his. I wonder how many flights they’ve already been on, how many countries they have seen. Where will they go to school, university and internships –will borders no longer exist? They are already fast asleep although we are on a small plane, whose takeoff and cruise-flight noises are more perturbing than that of a larger craft.

I myself feel somewhere in between these two generations. Waiting for takeoff, I’m much too jittery to keep reading, flying is always exciting! Keeping my cool, I look for something to occupy me: no cell phone, no iPod, no laptop... Ahah! The In-Flight American Airlines SkyMall Catalogue: a classic. What’s a flight into the US without a look through these amazing catalogues of exclusive new problem-solving products? Gotta love it. Let’s have a roundabout, shall we?

So first you have the predictable gadgets: A Brass Tide Clock – for all your fishermen’s needs. The Panning Faux Security Camera: with an exclusive LED light to indicate “operation” – That’ll fool ‘em! Then there’s “That-Ugly-Watch-You-Bought-In-An-Airport-With-Fake-Wooden-Pannelling”: comes complimentary with “The-Executive-Cherrywood-Trimmed-Box-You-Will-Never-Use.” In case that doesn’t fit your every watch needs, also available is a wide variety of Showcase Watch Boxes. Available is 5 sizes – with Exclusive EURO design. There’s also that 80$ Ceramic Pet Fountain: resists bacteria - unlike those horrible plastic pet fountains which cause acne on the lips of your pets – because washing plastic bowls couldn’t be any harder! In the same department is the Neater Feeder for dogs and cats! Rather than watch out not to kick your dog’s water bowl, why worry? – kick it all you want, with the Neater Feeder, spills accumulate in a big awkward double-lined plastic container you’ll have to clean anyway! Still in the same category, there’s the Indoor Barking Dog Deterrent for those of us who love dogs, but find it unacceptable for them to act like dogs. But also, the Only Underwater Pogo Stick is available here, and ONLY here! Now YOU can be the ONLY one fulfilling that inescapable urge to jump around underwater on a stick!

Then there are the impressive gadgets such as the Video Recording Sunglasses. 200$ a pop but that’s nothing compared to the joy you’ll have of looking at the same crap you’ve already seen again and again! Perfect for reminiscing about all those unforgettable moments in your day: the morning coffee, lunch-breaks with Helen, 45-minute traffic commutes! Similarly available is the Digital Camera Swim Mask – watch yourself clean the bottom of your pool again and again! Then there’s the Hair-Laser Therapy Device. 300$ for a wireless laser device which looks like a doorknob – guaranteed to grow back you hair! Comes with a built-in exclusive Digital Clock – just in case you’re having so much fun you lose track of all the hours withering away! If that doesn’t impress you, what about the NEW! Hammacher Schlemmer Telekinetic Obstacle Course: a giant headband and earlobe monitor with which you can navigate a foam ball on an 8” obstacle course with teeter-totters, hoops, chutes... What else could make your life feel so complete!

There’s also the “let’s look lame” category in which fits the No-Blind-Spot Mirror! Essentially a car mirror which is 3-times as long: way to go champ! Turning your head to look is SUCH a strain! And how about the Wrist Cell Phone Carrier – who’s got the energy to remember where you put your cell phone anyways? Comes in pink for that lady-lame you know! Then there’s the Stainless Steel Wallet: ok, gotta admit it, this one looks super-duper! I’m tired of all those rusting wallets – stainless steel is the solution! Or how about the Diagonal Airblown Inflatable Movie Screen – great for ruining a day outdoors with a movie! Had enough?

Oh, but the list goes on and on! The Pet Doorbell Set, the Dog Travel Seat and Harness, the Personalized Garden Bench, the Giant Garden Peacock, the GPS Car Locator, the 13’ World Map, the 8” Cupcake mold, the Disinfecting Nano-UV light! All these amazing gadgets will legitimize the lazy way of life!

Ah! That was fun... I’m such a critic!


8:37 The clouds thin, I can see rivulets and hills! Beautiful. Already the snow is a rough 24-hour nightmare Montréal had. There are so many patches of water, interspersing the little bubbles of earth which hardly constitute hills from where I can see. A winding river finds its trail through this topographical maze, more real than any 3D movie. A smallish road – is it beaten earth or paved cement? – tries to outwit this unpredictable textured land but is forced to go around an unmoving lake the shape of which I cannot describe. Urbanity is amazing, the LIFE the people, the excitement, the culture... but our blue-green planet is the most outstanding masterpiece of all –flying is one excellent way to get an idea of just how vast and limitless this planet is. And I could suppose that’s the grounds on which I feel that LIFE itself is so limitless, as well as the essence of why things like dryer-sheets and tipping waiters make me want to throw myself off a small cliff.

8:50 WATER! Great Lakes I suppose! What a sight! It is blue as bob and the morning sun hitting the cities looks like the beginning of another productive spring day in Toronto. People will groom pets, sell doorknobs and get their cars cleaned all over the city. Heather – thinking of you ; )

Oh god, someone is snoring. I had forgotten the annoyance of that. What evolutionary purpose does snoring serve exactly? Marc-Antoine, not-snoring is definitely on the list of top 100 reasons I adore you :)


From this height, the whole world looks the same – humans all over the globe have used what means they had to shape the land into productive space. Spaces of living, spaces of growing food, spaces of transit, spaces of cultural agglomerations... Without time, there is no way of knowing how far we are, when we will get there, no landmarks big enough, no distinguishing signs of culturally different land-distribution.

9:48 : We are going to land in an hour and a 40 minutes. Time Flies. Or in this case Flying Times? Shame!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Final week. Finals week.

Ok, so it's friday. I'm leaving wednesday. I still have 2 more exams to do, and I'm working on saturday all day. And life's been like this for 2 weeks now. Mon amoureux est assez gentil qu'il s'occupe de mon pendant que j'me gave d'information juridique durant ma fin de session. J'ai bien hâte que ce soit fini. J'ai fait un examen lundi qui fut un grand désastre.

Mais bon à travers tout ca, c'est clair que le planning pour le Mexique a un peu pris le bord... C'est triste mais voilà. Une chose que j'ai fait c'est me procurer un nouveau petit netbook pas cher pas cher pour me tenir compagnie étant donné que je serai seule: je pourrai donc blogger et être en-ligne plus souvent. C'est nocif pour un voyage, vous dites vous? Mais c'est surtout pour pouvoir écrire ce que je pense au fur et à mesure car dans mes autres voyages, j'ai trouvé ca un grand désavantage de devoir réécrire ce que j'écrivais dans mon journal. Pis encore était le fait d'être dans un café internet et de sentir le temps écouler et donc devoir limiter mes écrits, et la concision fait parfois place à un manque de détails dans certains cas... Donc, voici mon nouveau compagnon:

Il est tout petit, et n'a pas beaucoup de durée de vie batterie, mais ca me va. Surtout l'avantage c'est qu'il tappe beaucoup mieux que mon vieux laptop, donc les touches commencent à être un peu incoordonnées, surtout la barre d'espacement. zut!

Outre que la fin de session et tout ca, une autre préoccupation est que Marc-Antoine et moi sommes devenus parents d'un coup. Nous avons amenés nos deux minous dans l'appartement. C'est un peu circonstanciel, mais nous croyons que ca va bien, mise à part le poil et les grognements des chattes une fois de temps en temps. Ca va se régler. delphi est correc, mais peureuse et nerveuse!!! Au moindre bruit elle retourne sous le lit!

J'ai bien hâte de voir ce que ce voyage au Mexique sera pour mon esprit. Être seule pendant 3 semaine, ca devrait être correct, j'espère. J'ai l'impression que, comme dans tout voyage, je vais en apprendre sur moi-même. J'espère que cette fois-ci je saurai l'embrasser plutot que le fuir. J'espère aussi perdre mon poids de session là bas. Surtout seule, je vais surement moins manger dans des restos, moins boire, et plus marcher. Ca devrait avoir des résultats positifs.

Bon, bin je retourne aux études: droit de l'environnement oblige :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Going solo

Well readers, this blog is about to take an interesting turn because there is news: Cris is no longer coming with me to Mexico. We're not going to go on about why, how this makes me feel or anything too personal. But let's mention that it's quite last minute and that I could have done my planning differently, knowing I was going alone... For instance, the necessity to be in Cancun on the 8th no longer stands, yet I've booked hostels around there (the day before the day after, etc.) ALSO, I may have booked some hostels for 2 and only be 1. I wasn't looking to see if they were refundable.

So, now what? Well! I will probably stay a bit longer in Mexico City, with Luis and chill out there. Then there's my colleague's friend in Guanajuato. (pictured) Apparently, we can go see volcanoes and run up in the moutains. But see how everything changes now? I'm going to always need a guide cause I can't go alone up in the mountains I don't know! And that's what I want to do. So from now on, I'm going to have to go look for guides or other travelers. And they are going to have to be people I can trust. Needless to say, I'm going to have to get a wedding band and possibly dye my hair temporarily brown? Which means brown hair in my pics... WHAT?

So what does traveling alone mean? I've done it before, I've been to Turkey for a week (pics). I was mainly alone in Italy all that summer (pics) (blog). No biggie. Heh. I'll miss my sweetheart though. Tons and tons. My good friend Natalia tuned me in to some solo travel sites. The main challenge is to stimulate people to want to go out and travel on their own, which isin't really something I need because I know the upsides of it and I'm not lame, I'm a very adaptable and resourseful. And so I just gotta get by butt back into gear for this project and turn it into what I want!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

27 days to go!

Poisson d'avril! Je pars dans 27 jours et j'ai trop hâte! Je fais des recherches ces jours-ci, avec mon super Routard. C'est tellement un trésor de pouvoir s'imaginer plein de lieux dans l'esprit, ça agrémente mon quotidien. Mais ca fait ch*er mon copain, surtout avec des photos. Pour l'instant je ne peux m'empêcher de baver...

La première est une photo de Tulum, au sud de Cancun, sur la péninsule du Yucatan.

Et puis, mon partenaire et moi nous devons commencer sérieusement à voir pour le planning!!! Lui part de Cancun le 8. Nous avons donc booké notre auberge là-bas, qui a l'air vraiment malade! J'aime particulièrement la possibilité de faire du cheval sur les plages. Cris n'avait pas l'air trop fringant à l'idée... BOO!

De là, je sais que moi j'irai à Isla Mujeres, où c'est la saison de ponte des tortues :) J'ai hâte de voir ça! Et la plage blanche, les eaux turquoises... Puis, Tulum (la photo) : ruines mayas sur plage avec une auberge sympathique à moins de 300m. yessssssssss!!

Donc voilà le update. Sinon, je joue beaucoup de guitare et malheureusement, je travaille un peu (beaucoup!) d'heures à l'UQAM... Wow, vivement un manque d'inspiration pour le contenu de ce blogue, là. Désolée... c'est ça qui arrive...

En espérant au moins que la photo vous a fait rêver!
