Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Ready for a food review? Ok, so it's midterms these days (boo!) and I have been working on that (yay me!) BUT, so I haven't really been putting any time into MEXICO.

On another note, I've been hearing about Pupusas for a while now, from a few friends of mine, but also from my supervisor at work, who has a Salvadorian wife. And he gave me the address for the most wonderful Salvadorian restaurant in Montreal, which apparently make great Pupusas: El Chalateco.

Anyways, so needless to say, I needed to be checking that out soon :) So Marc-Antoine and I went. I ordered completely in Spanish, so that was fun practice! Here is his face of uncertainly...

So we ordered some pupusas : revultos con todo, queso y loroco and espinaca. They are corn-tortilla filled with what you choose. The texture of the corn-tortilla is very authentic. They come with a type of coleslaw which is peppery and sour. And a sort of tomato sauce in a big container. But I much preferred what came in the small container... HOT SAUCE :) Marc-Antoine was taking it by droplets, but by the end, I'd finished the little bowl it came in, YUM!

There is also the question of a bebida called horchata which is like milky and made of nuts and cinnamon or vanilla. In El Salvador, it is typically made with Morro nuts, but it takes all kinds of different recipies all over the spanish and latin-américan world. There will also be some in Mexico, as this seems to be a very wide-spread drink. It looks like milk but is not made with dairy. At El Chalateco, there were two drinks which interested us, the horchata is the one in the backgrond, and it was made with ground rice. The pink concoction in the picture is similar, but made with barley apparently. They are both silky drinks, with lots of cinnamon in them. Refreshing!

We also had some Salvadorian enchiladas to try. They look like opened hamburgers with extra toppings on them, on a crispy fried bottom shell:

There was literally everything on it! Egg, meat, tomato, coleslaw, guacamole, onions, hot peppers, and cucumbers. Hahaha. REALLY hard to eat, actually. But it was great, I really appreciated the mix of cold on tolp and warm on the bottom. And I added hot sauce. yeah.

So we thought this was a great restaurant, and its really fun to try new foods! We only tried two things on the menu, but it all looked great! Their specialty is actually fish, so we'll definitely have to go back and try some more Salvadorian cooking!
